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As I'm interested in the money system, bubbles, and the dilemma of popping them versus letting them float: I am currently researching the field of NFT's.

My plan is to research 'smart contracting' art to certify the origin of my art.

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Current business 'newspeak' in the Netherlands states: "Money is splashing over the mobbing boards". It is an awkward way of saying your company has outstanding financial results.

As my current MiniGallery is in a former bank building, I was tempted to add value to the space. The former office still has the ABN-AMRO Bank's carpet in it..... that's how the idea of gilding the mobbing boards was born.

With past proven paper-thin foundations of the banking system, the gold leaf expresses the feeble foundations of our monetary system.

On Saturday September 29th, I will complete the artwork. By 17.00 the whole 9 metres of the mobbing boards will be gilded. Please join me to see the process in action, support me and engage in interesting conversation.


Kyldo Art & Design,

Vetkamp 2

Nijkerk, The Netherlands.

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Bijgewerkt op: 31 jul 2018

When you're visiting The Netherlands, feel free to come and see me work on Saturday August 18 at Art Gallery 'aan de Amstel'. My biggest ArtMirror ever will be on display (2.25x1.10 meters). I've been working on it throughout this summer and here's a short video on the stage where I remove the reflective surface. You can even have a sneak peak on Saturday August 4. For directions visit Aan de Amstel's website.


Visit my MiniGallery at Kyldo Nijkerk

I curated my first MiniGallery. Kyldo Nijkerk kindly offered me solo-space in their shop. A former bank building. How is that for some bubble popping! I put up fourteen of my 'Obsolete Ego's and 'Armirrors'. Check them out at Vetkamp 2, Nijkerk, The Netherlands. For directions and hours, visit their facebook-page.

View short video below on the curation process.

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