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Bubble Gilding's origins


Bubble Gilding is a technique I developed in 2015. Every work contains 24 carat gold leaf,  vast amounts of pure pigments, bubbles (secret ingredients) as well as faux gold leaf and epoxy. I have been able to integrate modern materials, such as epoxy with ancient old techniques as watergilding and "verre églomisé".



The 2014-2016 series:

As I work on the flip side of the resin frame which is cast in a mold first, it is impossible for me check the outcomes of my actions on side A. My works are interesting on both side A and side B and can be displayed and hung on both sides.

The 2017-2018 series "Obsolete Ego's"

Obsote Ego's are made from recycled European mirrors. Since part of their reflective surfaces have been removed, these mirrors represent both the reflective side of humanity as well as its transparency. Colourfull opaqueness of the epoxies complete the viewer’s brain-freeze, as the eye can not comprehend the pairing of the see-through glass with a shiny surface .


Core themes in my work center around specific social contstructs I call ‘bubbles’. Powerful examples are national flags, the monetairy system and paradoxes in (lack of) transparency in public and private lives.


My pieces are held in private collections internationally.


What do you see? Can you see through the bubbles? Do you prefer transparancy or opaqueness? What is 'real gold' and what isn't? Which do you prefer? What are the origins of your likings?


We all live inside our own bubble. Omnipresent as bubbles are, we hardly notice them. If we do, we prefer not to pop. We love our bubbles and to enhance their importance, we gild them.


I believe the monetairy system is one of the biggest bubbles. Another is the "Nation State". Both themes are combined in my  bubblegilding works.



"Bubblegilding" is a registered Trade Mark.

March 2018, Philipine



About Philipine
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