Current business 'newspeak' in the Netherlands states: "Money is splashing over the mobbing boards". It is an awkward way of saying your company has outstanding financial results.
As my current MiniGallery is in a former bank building, I was tempted to add value to the space. The former office still has the ABN-AMRO Bank's carpet in it..... that's how the idea of gilding the mobbing boards was born.
With past proven paper-thin foundations of the banking system, the gold leaf expresses the feeble foundations of our monetary system.
On Saturday September 29th, I will complete the artwork. By 17.00 the whole 9 metres of the mobbing boards will be gilded. Please join me to see the process in action, support me and engage in interesting conversation.
Kyldo Art & Design,
Vetkamp 2
Nijkerk, The Netherlands.